lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Meeting Report of the IAOMS Trainee Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Interest Group in Barcelona ICOMS 2013.

Good Night !

This is a report on the meeting of residents of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery , unlike in Chile there were not many residents, the meeting was organized with 3 presentantions of IAOMS executives, who spoke on various topics .

Dr. Robert Woodwards , began the meeting with a presentation on the first meetings of residents that were made in the past in Europe, involved residents of England, Spain, Italy, France and other countries, he told us how helpful and richfull was for meet and share experiences, this organization even get to have a name, thus formally could make an agreement with the IAOMS and became part of it, unfortunately this "trainee section" disappeared in time, now with the high facilities offered by social networks they are considering reviving this initiative under the direction of Dr. Deepak Krishnan .


This segment was led by Dr. Satheesh Prabhu, director of the initiative , delivered successful results of projec train past webminars, explained that his biggest problem is the schedules times between countries, the project has grown a lot, asked for suggestions, they are discussing the possibility of online clinical cases among trainees program (the hardest part of this is the organization), this can be solved including a responsible by region to help plan the conference, they must have a sense of commitment and be skilled in order to convince and train the speakers to use the system, the system that allows the webminars is very simple, and also the elect assigned region collaborate with the moderation of lectures, and so do Projec Train in the local language and a comfortable hour for all . The Doctor is a very open to all opinions, those interested in helping can contact him in the next group ;



This segment was led by Dr. Deepak Krishnaan , who is the executive in charge of the section IAOMS residents, has great ideas and projects, including the main ideas is to create a forum for discussion and produce greater interactivity in the group of residents Initiative on Facebook;

The idea is to exploit the potential of social media to keep alive a feedback mechanism, where residents go to find information on the group each week and encourage the same way his new teammates to do the same , also indicated that they are putting much emphasis on the Fellowships and exchange between residents worldwide, one 3rd year traine of a place can be exchanged for other 3rd year trainee. At this time Dr. Su Yin Htun join us, she was selected for the Fellowship of patients with cleft lip and palate IAOMS of last year, she narrated stories of his experience in this fellow that consisted of a rotation of 3 different countries.

Dr. Deepak calls all residents to join this initiative and give advice on how to improve it, all opinions are noted and then discussed for channeling, with this in mind as well as opening the Facebook group opened a site dedicated especially for residents on the official website of the IAOMS where official announcements will be made and all relevant news as related to fellowships ; .Dr. Krishnan also provides a link where residents can becomes members of the IAOMS for free : was certainly a very motivating meeting because new things and opportunities are coming from the IAOMS, however the role of each resident to keep this initiative alive, is the engine that keeps these doctors with charged batteries to continue working . It is worth noting that in Latin America the ALACIBU is doing similar work under the direction of Dr. Henry Garcia Guevara, hope to have results in the coming months about it.
Od.Antonio F. Gagliardi Lugo

HGO - UGMA R3 Maxillofacial Surgery
 Twitter : @ OdontoInfoVzla

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